
                                                                                                                     The City


     The Castle 

The castle stands on the top of Pancrazio Hill.
It was built by the Saracens on the ruins of the ancient Brutium fortress.
Ruggero II of Altavilla, king of Sicily, improved the whole structure in 1130
but in 1184 a strong earthquake destroyed it.
Then,in 1239, the Swebian emperor Frederic II addedd  the castle two octagonal towers. The Angevins built the upper floor and a chapeI,
while later the Aragonese used the Castle as a mint, as an armery and
then as a prison. Another terrible earthquake in 1638 and the new thechnologies in weapons and defence decreed the end of the castle's greatness. During the 18th century the archbishop of COSENZA built a seminary in the castle, while in the 19th century it became a prison.

            The Cathedral 

  Probably built in the middle of the 11th century, the Cathedral was destroyed by the earthquake of 1184. The archbishop Luca Campano rebuilt it in Gothic-Cistercian form and in 1222 the Cathedral was solemnly consacreted in the presence of the Swebian emperor Frederic II.
 During the 1 Sth century the neapolitan archbishop Michele Capece Galeota restored the church covering the whole interior with baroque-style decorations, while in the first half of the 19th century another neopolitan archbishop,
Domenico Narni Mancinelli, changed even the facade into baroque-style.
  In the last years of the 19th century the archbishop Camillo Sorgente restored the Cathedral giving it again the simple character of medieval architecture.
The Madonna del Pilerio's Chapel and the one of the brotherhood
"DeIl'orazione e morte" still keep their baroque style.
In the right aisle there is the ancient sarcophagus of Meleagro which contains the mortal remains of Arrigo, one of the sons of Federico II. In the transept is placed the monument in Isabella d'Aragona's memory: she was the wife of the king of France Filippo III d'Angiņ; this beautiful sculpture was carved out of our local stone by an unknown French artist in 1271.

           San Francesco D'Assisi's Church

 It was founded in 1217 by the Blessed Pietro Cathin upon the ruins of a Benedectine monastery destroyed by the earthquake of 1148.In 1656 they rebuilt and restored it to repair the demages caused by the earthquake of 1638.
 During the next year they built the Immacolata's Chapel in the place where the high altar of the Church once stood.
The monastery closed in 1866 and the Minor friars came back in 1912. The church has a Latin cross shape with three naves;
the wooden carved high altar dates back to the 18th century.
    The altar of the Immacolata's chapel was carved out of marble
by Salvatore da Taverna in 1777.
Behind this altar there is the ancient apse of'the church which dates back to the 13th century and has little columns,
capitals and cross-vaults cut out of our local stone in l400.
 In this ancient apse we can also admire a wooden choir
of 1505, a wooden crucifix of 1300 and the mortal remains
of the Blessed Giovanni da Castrovillari.
   Santa Caterina's ChapeI was built by the Migliarese family.
In 1530 this family gave it to santa caterina d'AIessandria's Brotherhood.The walls of the chapel are enriched by beautiful pictureas showing the life of Santa Caterina, painted by
the Flemish painter W.Borremans in 1705.

               S.Francesco di Paola's Church

     The Church dates back to 1510. In former times there was in its place
another Church dedicated to the Madonna di Loreto.
     Once in the Church we can admire several works of art such as :
the bust in marble of Muzio de Gaeta (1645), the monument in Ottavio
de Gaeta's memory(1593), the famous picture by Pietro Negroni
 "Madonna col bambino in gloria fra i santi Luca e Paolo"
(The glory of our Lady with Child amid St. Luke and St.Paul) painted in 155l.
    A triptych painted by Cristoforo Faffeo in the first years of 1500 is over
the high altar : it represents a "Madonna col bambino fra S.Sebastiano e
S.Caterina d Alessandria".
   Behind the altar there is a wooden choir carved by Domenico Costanzo da RogIiano in 1768.

                                                           The City
